Final Fantasy VERSUS XIII
Another reason to get a job, buy an expensive HDTV(720p wont do ), get an expensive but oh so beautiful(in my eyes) PS3 and grab an original copy of Final Fantasy VERSUS 13.. whats the VERSUS for? well.. for those who dont know, there will be 3 Final Fantasy games that will have the number 13 in it.. Final Fantasy XIII for the PS3 and 360, Final Fantasy Agito XIII for the mobile phone and the PSP and lastly, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, out of the three, this game is the most im excited for, according to Wiki, the gameplay of Versus XIII resembles the game style of Kingdom Hearts(which by the way my fave game!). Not much has been revealed about the story of the game or when it will be released(hopefully by the time I have a great job).. So for now, screenshots and game trailers will do.. enjoy!And the best part, the trailer of Versus XIII(PLEASE!Must Watch!!!!)
Labels: games